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Dialektikon - Interview with Joseph Berke

primary_youtube_id: 8C3G6c6FDnA
Interview with American anti-psychiatrist, poet and radical educator; the main organiser of the Dialectics of Liberation congress. Berke’s arrival in London during the autumn of 1965 brought a ‘hip’ lower east side sensibility to Kingsley Hall, broadening further its appeal to artists and politicos. The congress nexus; a boundlessly energetic man committed to revolutionising contemporary existence.
Digital formats available:
Quicktime (Pro Res)
Audio & visual:
Sound, Color
Camera and Interviewer: Peter Davis
Dialectics Of Liberation
Collection of mixed media materials relating to the meeting in London of the Symposium on the Dialectics of Liberation and the Demystification of Violence, at the Roundhouse, London 1967, and subsequent interviews and events.