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Last Supper in Hortsley Street

primary_youtube_id: B6_aZoAOTWw
South Africa,
Cape Town
This film records one of the last families, the Hendrickses, to leave District Six in the heart of Cape Town, in 1982, forcibly removed people from their long-standing homes under South Africa apartheid laws.
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Quicktime (Pro Res)
Audio & visual:
Sound, Color

As in Nazi Germany, race-laws in South Africa under apartheid forcibly removed people from their long-standing homes. 60 000 people were removed from District Six in the heart of Cape Town, their homes razed to the ground, after it was declared to be for ‘white’ South Africans only. It took nearly 20 years to achieve, finally destroying the centuries’ old District. This film, the only one of its kind, records one of the last families, the Hendrickses, to leave in 1982. A Muslim family, they resisted until the very end when almost everything around them had been bulldozed into rubble. The film records the day of their final removal and their subsequent dislocation to a remote new township miles from their place of work, their Mosque and the children’s schools. It captures their philosophy, their faith in God, their hopes and fears and their subsequent hardships in the new place.

Director: Lindy Wilson
Lindy Wilson Productions
Lindy Wilson is a South African documentary film-maker whose films have been broadcast locally and internationally. Through her films she has chartered graphic aspects of South Africa’s history under apartheid and its transition to democracy and has recorded its capacity to face the gross human rights atrocities of the past through the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Her films are used as archival witness in universities and museums.