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Drums For Compassion - Benefit Concert For Haiti

primary_youtube_id: Wc6XRsNpEg4
Benefit Concert For Haiti for the Haiti Earthquake at the Vancouver East Cultural Centre, The Cultch on June 13th 2010.
Physical formats available:
Mini DV
Digital formats available:
Quicktime (Pro Res)
Audio & visual:
Sound, Color

A benefit concert organized and produced and directed by Themba Tana with a help from Rebecca Harvey who took care of the donations and funds for Haiti earthquake. The musicians from around the world volunteered to play for the event and they all live in Canada.

Camera: Yasunobu Sugahara
Musicians: Celso Machado, Alpha Yaya Dialo, Sal Ferreras, Said Naciciri, Bruce Robinson, Munkie Ncapayi, Cheondoong Drummers, Chibi Taiko, Sutrisno Hartana, Neelamjit Dhillon
Musicians: Albert St. Albert, janet Noade, Raphael Geronimo, Fereydoun Fahiminia, Randy Raine-Reusch, Rudy Richards, Kathleen Choisil, Gail Bonner, Paul Choisil, Themba Tana
Music and Dance
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