Isabel Hofmeyr - Unedited Interview
primary_youtube_id: QMfQ-cE9d1Q

Excerpt 2
Excerpt 3
South Africa
Unedited interview with Isabel Hofmeyr, a South African historian, academic and professor of African literature.
Physical formats available:
Betacam SP
Digital formats available:
Quicktime (Pro Res)
Audio & visual:
Filmed in Johannesburg, 1989. Unedited interview with Isabel Hofmeyr, a South African historian, academic and professor of African literature. In this interview, Hofmeyr talks about Gustav Preller who wrote the 1916 film De Voortrekkers and the symbolism behind the “battle scene” in South African films. Part of a series of unedited interviews with South African (and some American) writers, journalists and activists made in the late ‘80s, discussing the subject of censorship, films, journalism and more.
Daniel Riesenfeld
Interview and Audio:
Peter Davis
South Africa Interviews
Unedited Interviews with South African (and some American) writers, journalists and activists made in the late ‘80s, mostly on the subject of censorship and films. Plus production stills and transcripts.