Lewis Nkosi - Unedited Interview
primary_youtube_id: xBciLJq488c

Excerpt 2
Excerpt 3
United States of America,
South Africa
Unedited interview with Lewis Nkosi, a South African journalist, author and poet who spent 30 years in exile as a consequence of restrictions placed on him and his writing.
Physical formats available:
Betacam SP
Digital formats available:
Quicktime (Pro Res)
Audio & visual:
Filmed in London, 14 December 1989 and and Wyoming, 1990. Unedited interview with Lewis Nkosi, a South African journalist, author and poet who spent 30 years in exile as a consequence of restrictions placed on him and his writing, legislated of by the apartheid government of South Africa. Some notable works are his novels Mating Birds, Underground People and Mandela's Ego. In this interview, Nkosi talks about South African cinema and more. Part of a series of unedited interviews with South African (and some American) writers, journalists and activists made in the late ‘80s, discussing the subject of censorship, films, journalism and more.
South Africa Interviews
Unedited Interviews with South African (and some American) writers, journalists and activists made in the late ‘80s, mostly on the subject of censorship and films. Plus production stills and transcripts.